🌟Author: CL Gaber
🌟Genre: #Paranormal, #Young Adult, #Urban Fantasy
-(Volume 1) Ascenders: High school for the recently departed
-(Volume 2) Ascenders: Skypunch
🌟The Saga has been Nominated in 4 different categories for the Indie Book Awards🌟
Paranormal, Young Adult, Time Travel and Fantasy. Go and Vote for this incredible series.
❀ღ✿•* ̈`☆🐝🐝SYNOPSIS🐝🐝☆ ̈`*•✿ღ❀
Ascenders : High school for the recently departed
Walker Callaghan has just arrived at the Academy after a tragic car accident. “Is this heaven or is this high school?” she asks.
She finds out her new life is a bit of both as she falls in love with tat-covered, bad boy Daniel Reid who is about to break the only sacred rule of this place. He's looking for a portal to return back to the living realm.
He needs just one hour to retrieve his younger brother who strangely never arrived at The Academy. Bobby is an Earth Bound Spirit, stuck at a plane crash site that took both of their lives as their rich father piloted his private jet nose-first into a cornfield on Christmas Eve.
Walker loves Daniel and risks it all to go with him.
Have they learned enough to outsmart dangerous forces while transporting a young child with them? Can their love survive the fragmented evil parts of themselves that are now hunting them down as they try to find a way back to the middle?
At the Academy, you learn the lessons of an after-lifetime
Ascenders: Skypunch (Volume 2)
In the Midst—a place for those who die young—there are no rules except one.
And Walker Callaghan, dead at seventeen, just broke it. She briefly revisited her earthly life . . . and the punishment is eternal. Longing for her rebel love interest, Daniel Reid, Walker finds an ally in Cass, whose attraction to her is as alive as he is. “Life is short,” he tells her. “I’m banking on eternity. With you.”
In the second book of the Ascenders Saga, a realm-jumping journey takes Walker and Daniel back to life again when they search for something buried in history. They team with students from several other schools in the middle realm including a place for teens born with oddities. It’s home to the Claires . . . beautiful, ruthless, and quite dead seventeen-year-old quads who each have a different clairvoyant gift.
Can Walker survive another adventure of an afterlife-time—or will she find herself on the downside of eternity?
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❀ღ✿•* ̈`☆🐝🐝EXCERPT🐝🐝☆ ̈`*•✿ღ❀
ASCENDERS: TOMORROW (Volume 3) Coming Soon!
We wandered to a back alley where Daniel hooked a large finger in the collar of my new suit jacket, almost ripping the threads as he dragged me in. His mouth crushed mine, half in passion and the other half in relief that we made it through another portal in one piece. I was the one who reluctantly pulled back and it was not just because of the times. It was because of the uncertainty.
Back on the main avenue, I asked the real question: “What year is it?”
Fireman Marty looked at me as if I had lost my marbles.
“What year is it! Now that’s a good one – and I needed a laugh! Been 1958 all day, doll,” he says, slapping his knee. “Will be tomorrow, too, although you can ask the President if you’d like.”
“I’ll ask Obama,” I slipped.
“What’s an Obama?” he flashed back.
“Thank you,” I whispered, knowing that if it was 1958 in NYC, and I was standing on a sidewalk -- breathing, talking and passionately kissing Daniel - then one thing was absolutely certain.
I was spending the day living 41 years before I was born.
❀ღ✿•* ̈`☆🐝🐝OUR REVIEW🐝🐝☆ ̈`*•✿ღ❀
Ascenders: High School for the recently departed
Star Rating - 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Walker Callaghan and her mother have recently moved and have brand new things, that they wouldn't normally have been able to afford. Walker finds this very strange. She is trying to quiz her mother about the move, but her mother is being unnaturally evasive. Walker starts her new high school shortly after the move and there's something a little bit off about her new school mates too. She keeps being told to push the limits. What sort of school has no rules or limits? A school where the students are all dead!
This was the first book in the Ascenders saga and also my first by this author. I found the storyline a little strange upon first reading, but it was so intriguing and nothing like I have ever read before. The story follows Walker as she tries to navigate her new situation, surroundings and interactions with others along the way.
I loved all the characters in the book and the storyline was really gripping. The ending wasn't a cliffhanger, but definitely left off ready for the next instalment. I can't wait to read more of Walker's world and see what is coming her way next.
This is a paranormal YA read, with gripping twists and turns. I can throughly recommend it. 4 stars from me.
Natty 🐝
Ascenders: Skypunch
Star Rating -

Walker and Daniel broke the only rule in the book and crossed realms back to the living. Their punishment, another school that is worse than your worst nightmare. The higher authority give Walker and Daniel an out but the price is to go back to living again and retrieve something but what that is exactly is a big secret. Teaming up with students from other schools can everyone make it back or will they be extinguished for eternity?
This second book in the series picks up right where we left off in the previous. I don't want to say much about the plot as it's definitely a book you need to read for yourself. This series is one that cannot be read out of order so make sure you've already read the first before diving into this. I enjoyed seeing more from the old characters and also meeting some new ones too. The only downside for me was the lack of action however as this is a series this story definitely built on this world and set up the scenes for the next instalment.
Looking forward to reading the next and seeing how this story continues.
Natty 🐝
❀ღ✿•* ̈`☆🐝🐝AUTHOR BIO🐝🐝☆ ̈`*•✿ღ❀
C.L. Gaber writes YA fiction from her home in Nevada where she lives with her husband Ron, bonus daughter Sabrina and two unruly dogs.
During her day job she is a film columnist. Yes Hollywood!!
❀ღ✿•* ̈`☆🐝🐝AUTHOR LINKS 🐝🐝☆ ̈`*•✿ღ❀
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/authorclgaber/
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GoodReads Author Page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7854535.C_L_Gaber
Twitter: @CLGaber
Instagram: @clgaber
Google +: CL Gaber
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