❀ღ✿•* ̈`☆🐝🐝BLOG TOUR🐝🐝☆ ̈`*•✿ღ❀
Listen Up Little Flowers...

A Special Obsession by A.M. Hargrove
Release Date: March 23rd
Genre: Contemporary Romance
A Special Obsession an all new contemporary romance from A.M. Hargrove is available now!!
❀ღ✿•* ̈`☆🐝🐝SYNOPSIS🐝🐝☆ ̈`*•✿ღ❀
Rule Number One: Never let anyone get too close…
Weston Wyndham has more money on his tattooed wrist than I’ll ever have in my bank account.
Drunk, he was gorgeous, wicked, sexy, an inked god.
Sober, he is the most arrogant man ever.
If he thinks I’m going to let him order me around like one of his servants, he’s wrong. If he wants me to date him after all this, he’s out of his mind. I don’t care how rich he is, or that he drives a Ferrari and a fancy truck. Those walls I put up are there for a reason … and they were built to last.
But he’s relentless, and hot, and it turns out he likes his girls a little fiery.
Giving in doesn’t have to mean disaster—unless I break my number one rule.
Special O’Malley is a handful. With a name like that, she ought to be. Sassy as hell, bossing me around, but damn if I don’t deserve it. I’m used to getting my way, dealing with difficult people, only she’s not buying any of it. Usually my money attracts women. Not Special. She doesn’t give a damn about it … or me. There’s more than one stubborn player in this game. I have a few tricks up my sleeve and I’m not planning on giving up any time soon … at least not until I’m between her thighs, making her moan. And those concrete walls she has … I have news for her. Concrete crumbles if you strike at the right place.
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❀ღ✿•* ̈`☆🐝🐝EXCERPT🐝🐝☆ ̈`*•✿ღ❀
“Good morning.”
“Who are you?” he asks.
“I’m the owner of the bar you passed out in last night, Mr. Wyndham. You
should be more responsible about how much you drink when you go out.”
His jaws click together, and he squints. Without saying a word, he flops back
down onto the couch and rolls over like he’s going back to sleep.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Sleeping. Now be a nice little girl and hush. I’m tired and my head is
pounding like a bass drum.”
Seriously? “What do you think this is? The Holiday Inn?”
“No. The Holiday Inn would’ve given me a bed.”
My mouth sags open. Of all the … “Hey, if it hadn’t been for me and this
couch, your ass would’ve been sleeping on the street.”
“Whatever. Now, please be quiet.”
“I will not. You need to leave. I have things to do.”
“Fine.” He slowly stands, and I look up. He’s tall. Much, much taller than I
thought last night. Probably because he was all slouched over and could
barely walk. As I stare at him, he moves around me and I figure he’s going to
the bathroom. Boy am I wrong. The man barely has his eyes opens as he
walks down the hall, finds my bedroom, takes off his pants revealing the
most perfect naked ass created, and climbs into my bed. Of all the nerve! Now
what the hell am I supposed to do?
This is ridiculous. I have errands to run, things to do. It’s Sunday—the day I
visit my Mimi. She cooks Sunday dinner, and I spend the afternoon with her
and—shit. Laundry … I need to wash clothes. All my panties are dirty, and
my laundry hamper is in the closet in my bedroom. Fuck it. I’m going in
Stomping into my room—my room—I go to the closet and grab my hamper,
making sure I’ve collected all the dirty clothes. Then I drag it out of the
room, intentionally making as much noise as possible.
“Can you please keep it down? My head is splitting wide the fuck open.”
“So sorry you decided to drink a truckload of liquor last night. And no, I can’t
keep it down. I have work to do. Go home and sleep it off there if you want
He groans out a response I can’t understand and don’t bother asking him to
repeat. What kind of person does this sort of thing? After I stuff a load of
darks in, I run down to the bar to check my restaurant inventory for the food
service rep who’ll be stopping by in the morning. But I do a half-ass job of it
because I don’t want to leave the asshole up there alone, although I don’t
know what he’d steal. A guy with a watch like that and a black American
Express wouldn’t want any of the crap I own.
When I get back home, the washer is finished, so I move that load into the
dryer and start the next. Then I get everything out for breakfast. Before
turning on the stove, I pull out my beat-up laptop and check out that watch
of his. When I try to price it, I only find pre-owned ones and they go for up to
fifty grand. What the hell does this dude do for a living? Rob banks? Who
spends fifty grand on a fucking watch when you can get a Timex for fifty
bucks? And that wasn’t even a brand new one. Maybe he stole it. Maybe he’s
a professional high-end thief. Or one of those art thieves, like in that movie
where the guy steals all the original pieces and replaces them with fakes.
What if he killed someone and stole it off him?
Calm down, Spesh. You’re just acting crazy now. He can’t have a black AMEX if he’s
not a bona fide rich dude. After a few deep, calming breaths, I start to feel a bit
better. Time to cook some eggs.
Everything’s ready to go—butter sizzling in the pan and eggs
whipped—when my guest walks into the kitchen.
“Oh, good, you’re making breakfast. I’m starving.” He stretches his arms in
the air and then rubs his stomach like a little kid. I’m happy to note he’s
wearing his pants again.
“Excuse me?”
“Yeah. Three eggs, toast with butter, no jelly, and I’ll have some sausage. No
links, only patties. And grits. With butter and salt. No pepper.” He plops
down into a chair at my tiny bistro table for two. “Hey, can you bring me a
cup of coffee?” He points to the coffeepot on the counter. “And some ice
water. I’m dying of thirst. You wouldn’t by any chance have any Gatorade,
would you?”
No please, thank you, kiss my ass, nothing.
Holding the whisk in my hand, I think about throwing it at him instead of the
sink where I’m placing it. I walk back to the stove, pick up the spatula, take a
deep breath, and say, “I’m sorry. This is not a restaurant, and I’m not your
waitress nor am I your maid. If you want coffee or water, get up off your ass
and get it yourself. Oh, and FYI, no Gatorade.”
The man looks appalled. “I just thought since—”
“I know what you thought.”
“What am I supposed to eat?”
Slanting my head, I point the spatula at him. “Cook the eggs, sausage patties,
toast with butter, and grits your own damn self. Look, mister, there’s
something you keep forgetting. You passed out in my bar. We carried you to
my apartment. You slept on my couch. But by damn, I will not be following
your orders. I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but I believe it’s
time you leave.”
He stares and says nothing for a long moment. Then he extends his hand.
“I’m Weston, and you are?”
Oh brother, here we go. Get ready for the name game. I can’t believe I’m
going to do this. Holding out my hand, I say, “I’m Special.”
There go the brows, straight on up to the hairline, and then he lets out a
raspy chuckle. “Well, I like an honest woman. You sure have a high opinion
of yourself.”
I should’ve expected this. “Not exactly. Special is my name.”
“Is that so? And what precisely is your game?” He winks.
I huff out a lung full of exasperation. “No, you don’t get it. That is the legal
name I was given at birth.”
With brows drawn together, he asks, “Who the hell names their kid Special?”
“A seventeen-year- old girl who had no business having a kid in the first
place. That’s who.”
He clamps his mouth shut, and I can see his tongue poking the inside of his
“Hmm. Okay, Special. Do you have a last name?”
“Special O'Malley,” he repeats my name, and for some reason, I like the way
it sounds rolling off his tongue. That’s a first. High school was a bitch having
a name like Special. The girls were nasty and didn’t bother with snide
comments behind my back. They did it straight up to my face. The guys, on
the other hand, were a little less obvious, but only because they wanted
something from me. Dumbass me didn’t figure that out until it was too late
“That’s right.” My hands rest on my hips, a non-verbal challenge for him to
make some smart-ass comment. He doesn’t. He tilts his head and stares. I’m
not sure what’s going through that wealthy mind of his, but he’s making me
damned uncomfortable. I stare back at him. His hair is straightened. More to
the point, he’s pulled the top part into a ponytail, so the one side, which is
cut super short, can be seen. Unfortunately, I am very attracted to this man.
And why does he have to be so damn hot? He is a contradiction to what I’ve
always assumed the rich to appear. He doesn’t have that stodgy, starchy look.
In fact, he looks to be quite the opposite, almost rebellious, which draws me
in. I’ve always identified with that, never conforming or fitting into
mainstream. Parts of him scream wealth, but other parts are rough and
defiant. Its the sort of look I’m attracted to. He finally dips his head in a
single nod, and the corners of his mouth turn up. Fuck. Me. That should not
be allowed. My knees want to buckle from the sheer beauty of it, but I stand
“So, Special O'Malley, how about we make a deal? I will pay you if you fix me
breakfast. I’m not picky. Just starving and extremely thirsty.”
“It won’t be cheap.”
He still smiles and says, “I’m pretty sure I can afford it.”
“Okay, but just so you know, I don’t have sausage patties. Only bacon.”
“I love bacon.”
“All right, then,” I say, and turn back to my chore of cooking.
Once I get everything going, I tell him he should shower.
“You think I need one?” he asks.
“You smell like you swam in a barrel of Jack.”
He lifts his arm and takes a whiff. “I’ll be back.”
“Towels are under the sink,” I holler to his retreating form.
Jesus, that guy. I should be heading to Mimi’s any minute instead of cooking
him breakfast. How did I get hooked into doing this? Because I’m an idiot,
who’s drooling over him, that’s how. The food is almost ready by the time he
emerges from his shower. He’s fresh smelling, wearing his black jeans, and
holy shit, shirtless. Not only does he have the one tat I spied earlier, but
multiple pieces of art etched into his tawny skin. Saliva nearly runs down my
but I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand before it has a chance.
“I borrowed your toothbrush.”
He says it so nonchalantly, like it’s something he does every day. My spatula
stops in midair.
“You what?”
“I needed to brush my teeth, so I figured, yeah. You know—good dental
hygiene and all. Besides, you said I smelled bad.”
My hand flies up in the air, nearly knocking the pan off the burner. “Are you
crazy? That’s my toothbrush!”

leave you much more than that in a tip, if you’re extra nice to me.” He grins
at me. If I weren’t so pissed, I would’ve spent more time looking at how
perfect his teeth are.
“That’s not the point. You should’ve asked first.”
He casts a sour look in my direction. “Right. I’m glad I didn’t. Because it’s
not like you would’ve said it was okay. Besides, I needed to brush my teeth.”
“So, what am I gonna use?”
“Hey, it’s not like I have any contagious diseases or anything. I’m not a
walker.” Then he starts acting like a zombie.
“Stop it. Are you always this annoying?”
He stops and thinks about it for a moment. “No, I’m worse. Or my parents
seem to think so.”
“Can’t say that I blame them. I can’t believe you used my toothbrush.”
“Christ, if you don’t shut up about it already, I’ll really regret it.”
“You should. That’s just gross.”
“Why? It’s no different than if we kiss.”
“But we haven’t kissed and won’t be anytime in the next century.”
“You sure about that?”
Suddenly, his arm whips around my waist, he spins me, and I’m staring into
smoky gray eyes, only inches from mine. Before I can push him off me, his
delicious lips find my own, and he kisses me. His tongue pushes through the
O of my lips, and he does a lazy exploration of all the secret places inside. He
knows his way around a girl’s mouth. This is no sloppy kiss. When he
releases me, I’m gasping for air as I smell the beginnings of breakfast
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asks.
I shove him off me, saying, “It was awful. Absolutely the worst.” I focus on
the bacon, eggs, and grits so he doesn’t see the flush that’s heated my neck
and cheeks. “Just so you know, that toothbrush you used? It isn’t my regular
toothbrush. I keep that one in the medicine cabinet. The one you used I scrub
the shower tiles with.”
❀ღ✿•* ̈`☆🐝🐝OUR REVIEW🐝🐝☆ ̈`*•✿ღ❀
Star Rating - 🌟🌟🌟🌟.5
Prior to reading A Special Obsession I had never read a book by A.M. Hargrove and I wasn't sure what to expect. Telling the story of Special. 'Spesh' O'Malley (yes that's our leading lady's name) and Weston Wyndham V. (Or Quin as he is occasionally called by sub characters) A Special Obsession gets 4.5 stars from me I had a few niggles but overall the book was great to read. With a title like a special obsession I wasn't sure whether it would be all alpha stalking from the lead character but it wasn't. The book was full of Drama and intrigue with a few plot twists I didn't see coming the main one being Jeb a sub character in the book and his relationship with Spesh our leading lady but that isn't revealed until the last chapter keep your eyes peeled for clues you will never guess I promise.
So we have Spesh our tough as nails tatted Bar owner and Weston our rich bad boy with a heart, each more experienced with pushing others away to protect there hearts from the abuse they have suffered at the hands of judgemental people. For Weston it was at the hands of his family distant and overly critical for Spesh it was at the hands of rich classmates and random strangers. For Weston the chase is all and with Spesh pushing him away at every turn he just becomes more determined to have her in his life to the point where it's not the chase but Spesh that holds his interest. Reading this pairs love story put tears in my eyes especially in a chapter that had Cody (Speshs son) or her Grandma in. But for every time I wanted to cry I wanted to laugh just as much at the humour in the situations they put themselves in.
Hattie 🐝
❀ღ✿•* ̈`☆🐝🐝AUTHOR BIO🐝🐝☆ ̈`*•✿ღ❀
One day on her way home from work as a sales manager, USA Today
bestselling author, A. M. Hargrove, realized her life was on fast-forward. If
she didn't do something soon, it would be too late to write that novel she had
dreamt of her whole life. She slammed on the brakes, made a crazy decision,
and quit her job. Then she reinvented herself as a Naughty and Nice Romance
She fancies herself all of the following: Reader, Writer, Dark Chocolate Lover,
Ice Cream Worshipper, Coffee Drinker, Grey Goose Aficionado, and
#WalterThePuppy Lover. If you’re around her for more than five minutes,
you’ll soon notice she has a tendency to talk you ear off.
❀ღ✿•* ̈`☆🐝🐝AUTHOR LINKS 🐝🐝☆ ̈`*•✿ღ❀
Website: http://www.amhargrove.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AMHargroveAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Amhargrove1
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/amhargroveauthor
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/A.M.-Hargrove/
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