❀ღ✿•* ̈`☆🐝🐝RELEASE BLITZ🐝🐝☆ ̈`*•✿ღ❀
Listen Up Little Flowers...

Title: Plight
Author: K.M. Golland
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: May 29, 2017
❀ღ✿•* ̈`☆🐝🐝SYNOPSIS🐝🐝☆ ̈`*•✿ღ❀
Plight [plahyt]
Noun: a difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation.
Verb: pledge or solemnly promise. Be engaged to be married.
I promised myself to a man. Well, technically, I promised myself to a boy. We were eight years old. Neighbours. He gave me a Cheezel, pushed it onto my finger, and asked me to marry him.
I ate the Cheezel.
I also said, “Yes” but that we’d have to wait until we were thirty.
It was my thirtieth birthday last week and now he’s calling in that promise.
Seriously, Elliot Parker is insane if he thinks that an out of the blue private Facebook message stipulating the binding law of an oral contractual agreement is going to seal our twenty-two-year bullshit engagement.
I wonder if he really does look like his profile picture, though.

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There is a giveaway for a $50 Amazon gift card + a signed paperback of Plight (1 winner, open internationally)
❀ღ✿•* ̈`☆🐝🐝OUR REVIEW🐝🐝☆ ̈`*•✿ღ❀
Star Rating - 🌟🌟🌟🌟.5
Let's face it we all know FaceBook brings out the crazy in everyone especially those 'friends' you haven't seen in a while lost touch with or just plain forgot you even had. Plight is a prime example of the crazy FB brings but boy what a read. This is the story of childhood friends and neighbours whom fate gives a second chance. Full of laughs and love I give Plight by KM Golland a high 4.5 stars.
Getting engaged at 8 years old results in a long engagement that let's face it gets forgotten about when playing with Barbie and Action man gives way to playing less innocent games with the opposite sex. 22 years later you don't expect to be reminded of who you said yes to marrying in the form of a message drawing out the legal ramifications of their childlike engagement. But this is what happens to Danielle when her child hood fiancé Elliot becomes a lawyer.
Told in joint POV with around third of the plot told in memory form, this book had me hooked with Engaging characters you just want to read more from, funny plot and a passel of sub characters that are just as addictive as the main couple. Long distance and time wasting mean nothing to this lawyer keen for a second chance to win his childhood love.
Hattie 🐝

“I'm an author. I am married. I am a mother of two adorable little people. I'm a bookworm, craftworm, movieworm, and sportsworm. I'm also a self confessed shoe-aholic, tea-aholic, car-aholic, and bridge-aholic.”
Born and raised in Melbourne, Australia, K.M. Golland is a best selling hybrid author, and a ranty, married mother of two with a very healthy high heel obsession.
❀ღ✿•* ̈`☆🐝🐝AUTHOR LINKS 🐝🐝☆ ̈`*•✿ღ❀
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kmgolland
Website: http://www.kmgolland.com/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/kmgolland/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KellyGolly
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